Start and Finish


All distances start daily between 8.00 and 11.00 hours from Ice Rink De Westfries (Westfriese Parkweg 5, 1625 MA Hoorn).


Finishing is possible daily until 17.00 hours. The finish on the first and second day, just like the start, is at De Westfries ice rink. On the last day, the finish is on the Roode Steen, the nicest square in Hoorn, right in the center.

Bicycle storage

If desired, you can place your bicycle at night in the free bicycle shed in the hall of Ice Rink De Westfries. You can also charge your E-bike here. This bicycle parking is secured with cameras by Security Cabins. This bicycle shed is closed at night, the shed is at your own risk.

Bicycle repair service

During the Fiets4Daagse Hoorn is a service point at the Ice Rink de Westfries starting location for a possible final check on your bicycle. For breakdowns on the road, they can be reached by telephone during the event.


All distances start daily between 8.00 and 11.00 hours from Ice Rink De Westfries (Westfriese Parkweg 5, 1625 MA Hoorn). 


Finishing is possible daily until 17.00 hours. The finish on the first and second day, just like the start, is at De Westfries Ice Rink. On the last day, the finish is on the Roode Steen, the nicest square in Hoorn, right in the center. 

Bicycle storage

If desired, you can place you bicycle at night in the free bicycle shed in the hall of Ice Rink De Westfries. You can also charge your E-bike here. This bicycle parking is secured with cameras by Security Cabins. This bicycla shed is closed at night, the shed is at your own risk. 

Bicycle repair service

There is during the Fiets4Daagse Hoorn a service point at the Ice Rink de Westfries starting location for a possible final check on you bicycle. For breakdowns on the road, they can be reached by telephone during the event.